Anyway, I reserved a library pass which gave us all free access to the village. Can't beat that! We had a great time. The children did well until the end & then it was b/c they were tired & hungry. Their favorite place was the Discovery Room where they dressed up, played & got to touch everything. It was fun in there. I also loved that the grounds are extensive allowing the children room to run. There was plenty to see & do so much that we didn't even get to it all in the 3 hours we were there. There's always next time!
As we entered there was a small garden of beautiful flowers. The butterflies were all over flitting from flower to flower.
We were admiring these walkways & the hours that were put into them.
The Round Barn
The Round Barn
The Main House & Store
The Dress-Up Corner in the Discovery Room
Choices Galore!
They came running over to us when we came over. Little cuties.
I've never seen such a cooperative cow.
Boy, if only I could get her to love her chores at home too!
This toy was neat. You pulled the strings & the bear climbed up and up.
Dave joined in the fun. It brought back memories of growing up on the farm.
E-boy & The Chickies
(Sound like a rock group?)
Your Mission Should You Choose to Accept It.........
Bugs DID NOT want to wear a hat. He doesn't like hats. Period. But Mama & Daddy were determined to get a picture of our toddler as a Shaker boy. Hence the "our mission" began.
The plan was to snap the pic just as Dave was dropping the hat on Bugs' head. We kept failing but we were determined. A distraction of trains & we're almost there!
**Score: Bugs = 5, Mama & Daddy = 0
We got our photo! And Bugs was content with the trains. A win-win!
The children had a chance to weave on a real loom. Cool!
Now It's Sweet Pea's Turn
They really enjoyed their costumes & experiences as Shakers.
(E-boy is singing a little diddy he made up. Cracked me up.)
I asked them to run down the hill for the fun of it. I like how the shot came out.
Piggy & I had a nice little conversation much to Dave's amusement.
The men & women each entered & excited through different doors. They also sat on opposite sides of the meeting room.
The children were excited to see several Franklin Stoves in the various buildings. They learned about them in their studies last year.
We bought some 10 cent candy & enjoyed a little break.
These flowers were gorgous & facinating. They are called 'Angel Trumpets'.
I forgot the name of this one, (should have written it down), but it caught my eye.
This very nice gentleman showed us how to make the infamous Shaker boxes. Very interesting. We were the only ones in the builing at the time & we got to ask many questions, see & touch samples of the wood & even use an old hand-powered drill. We'd never seen one before!
They had several gardens. One was growing Buckwheat.
The Shakers set things up so their main kitchen was in the basement of the main, brick house. Dave & I thought this was a smart idea. They were right next to the stores of food plus it was a lot cooler in the basement!
Isn't that the cutest little churn?
It's tough to get 4 wiggly & wound up kids to all be ready for a photo at once. LOL.
We had a fun time, learned a bunch of new things & got lots of exercise! We are looking forward to going again soon! Library passes ROCK! Lol.
1 comment:
Where was this Shaker colony? I've only seen one round barn and that is somewhere between York and Chambersburg. Everything looked so interesting in your pictures too. Keep sharing!
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