Monday, August 20, 2007

She's At It Again!

Yes, folks I'm at it again. Re-organizing, cleaning & tossing. We decided since our basement room is still not materializing, ($$, time, materials, $$), that while we wait we would make a room upstairs. When we first moved in & before Bugs was born the room that is now our girl's room was our schoolroom, playroom, guestroom. This time we took the smallest bedroom & did it over. You might remember the pics I posted last month of the girls moving in together & the boys as well. One reason for this is I miss having a schoolroom. Another big reason is that I'm hoping by having the majority of our toys in one room it will cut down on the constant cleaning & re-organizing. One main room instead of 3 full rooms + the living room. Think it will work?

Today we finally got back to our "new" schoolroom/playroom/guest room & started working hard. I was happy to fill an entire black garbage bag up with trash from the room. Perfect timing too as it was 'Trash Day' today! The other night I hung some of the girl's art up on the walls. They are proud to have their work on display. The room is looking much better after a day of cleaning. We still have some work to finish but it's coming along nicely. Here are some before & after pics.

Scattered Everywhere

Sorting & Cleaning

Seems the mess always gets bigger b/f it gets better.

LOOK!!!!!!! It's the Floor!

Much Better!
Looking good! Our hard work is starting to pay off.
(The clothes are on the bed simply b/c the closet rod broke. Dave plans to fix that this week.)

The Closet
I found about 30 candy wrappers stuffed in the back of the closet. I told Dave maybe that's why Boo gets so distracted - she's buzzed on chocolate. J/K I'm sure it was her Easter candy so at least there is no more. Of course you know we don't allow that much candy all at once, right?

It's starting to look like the room we envisioned.
In re-organizing the closet I shed a few tears. It was extra hard for me to pack up our baby stuff this time. I'm praying God has at least one more Little One for us in the near future.

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