Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Budding Artists

Remember the art classes Boo & Sweet Pea attended in July? They had their art show on Friday afternoon. Daddy worked late Thursday so he could leave a bit early to attend the show. Grannie came for a little bit. We were incredibly proud of our girls' work. The instructor did an amazing job of displaying every one's art work & categorizing copies of it in a binder.

The instructor also explained to us many of the different things the children were taught. Some of these were how & where to find inspiration, how to begin & then expand upon a painting, using words or phrases for inspiration, drawing using a model, and experimenting w/various colors & textures.

Wall of Art

Boo's self-portrait is on the bottom left corner.

S.P.'s Painting of Tucker & Tinkerbelle

'My Life' by Sweet Pea

Boo's Painting

New Planet

The children were asked to paint a new planet & creatures using their imaginations.

The Other Half

This is the other 1/2 of the wall display.

Budding Artist

E-boy was inspired by all the art around him. The instructor lent him some crayons & paper & he happily colored until it was time to go home. In this picture he drew a helicopter, a sun, a cloud & an airplane.

'Flower in Space' & 'Garden'

Sweet Artist & Painting

Learning to Draw Lines

Sweet Pea wasn't happy with this but her teacher & I encouraged her reminding her that this was her first try. I, liked the lines myself.

Bursting My Buttons!

Sweet Pea's painting was chosen for the cover! We are extremely proud!


Boo & Sweet Pea did excellent work & it was a great experience to see their work displayed in true artist form. E-boy is already looking forward to next summer when he can take a class too!

P.S. The next day I bought them each a sketch book & will give them to the girls with their new school supplies when we have our treasure hunt. It will be neat to see what they choose to sketch in the coming weeks.

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