Friday, August 17, 2007

The Red Caboose

This neat little place is called "The Red Caboose Motel". Even if you don't stay here you can visit the grounds & go to the little petting zoo, watch the train go by (this is the same train we rode on), and shop in the store. We went to this place more than once as it was a favorite and it was FREE. Lol.

The Restaurant & Store

Petting the Pony

Boo feeds the baby goat.

Sweet Pea & Big Boy feed the goats fresh grass.

E-Boy & Petunia make some new friends.

A nice gentleman & his daughter came to visit the animals. He had brought carrots & shared them with our children. Wasn't that kind of him?

This goat cracked us up as she tried to eat a big piece of carrot all at once. It was too big for her mouth. We had to wait awhile before she conceded and let us have it back so we could break it up for her. Lol.

Maralee feeds Mama Goat.

Inside the Store

Trains, trains & more trains! The theme of the day!

Watching the Model Train

Train Time

Wild Adventure!

Boo rides her trusty horse trying to save the boys on the runaway train!

We Love Trains!

The Red Caboose

These are the rooms at the Red Caboose. Neat,huh?

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