Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Annual Picnic

At the beginning of August our church had it's annual picnic. This is also the day that the church has it's annual baptism. As you know Boo chose to be baptised this year. This made the day extra-special for our family. Here are some pics of the picnic fun & Boo's special day.

Chick Magnet playing with Mommy's glasses.

The trio leads us in some hymns & choruses.

Listening to Pastor

My parents & Boo

Boo's Special Milestone

Our Very Happy Girl

Right after lunch Bug-a-Boo conked out.

E-boy is ecstatic to finally be allowed to swim!


Bugs woke up & it only took him about 2-3 minutes & he was ready for the lake!

Pastor & boys

Bugs & Mrs. L. Explore the Beach

This is the frog Boo caught. She named him Sapphire.

He's a little cutie.
(If you're wondering why all is green it's b/c we kept Sapphire in a green bucket.)

Daddy & Bugs

Hunting for a friend for Sapphire.

Look, everybody! I'm swimming!
This was HILARIOUS!!!!!!! Bugs got down on his belly in the shallowest part of the lake & moved his arms and legs just as if he were gracefully swimming in the deep water. Wendy, ( Mrs. Pastor) got the biggest kick out of this. Lol. I wish I had video taped it. What a riot!

Off He Goes!
E-boy went out in the kayak for the first time. He made it around the lake & it only took him an hour Amazing kid!
Joking! He paddled while our friend Marcie held onto the kayak rope. LOL!

Proud Boy!
He was so happy!

Boo & Friends

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