Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wow! 2 Days?

Two days in a row! Well, actually 3 days if you count the day E-boy & I had together on Tuesday. Yee ha! Lol. We tackled school again on Wednesday. We were supposed to go to Bible study & the bookstore but Boo woke up with her tummy hurting again so we stayed home. This flu bug just keeps hanging on! Here are some pictures from our school day.

E-boy loves his new math book & is flying through it.

Phonics, Spelling & Writing
The Explode the Code books are a favorite in our home.

Anne of Green Gables
Sweet Pea is doing a Total Language Plus (TLP) study for the book 'Anne of Green Gables'. One of my favorites! It is fast becoming a favorite of hers too.

Working Hard

The Courage of Sarah Noble
Boo is working on a study by Progeny Press for the book "The Courage of Sarah Noble". She has enjoyed this book a lot.

I brought down these blocks in hopes that it would keep him busy for a bit.

New Science Study
E-boy has started a new unit on insects. He is coloring a mural to put up in the house and has already been looking up different insects in our books. Here are a couple of the books we will be using.

More Books
Here are a few more books we will be using. We are also using pages from and . I have a couple of sticker books as well & I will get these out over the weekend. We might even attempt a lapbook if Mommy is brave enough. Lol.

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