Late yesterday afternoon I had this sudden urge to start working on our home again. We have a lot of projects to do but don't usually have the time. I wonder why with 4 kids, homeschooling & Dave's full time job? Hmmm........... Well, the girls were at my Mom's, E-boy was entertained & Dave was sitting with Bugs so I thought it would be a good time. I asked Dave to get the stuff out of the basement, (I don't DO the basement. Can you guess why?), and then started in painting. We had started the first part of the foyer several months ago. Then life got in the way and we stopped at the beginning of the stairway. I picked up where we left off and was a painting machine! Lol! Dave finished the high parts for me today. We only have a few spots to go over with another coat, (coat #3 in those spots), and with the exception of one, small wall we will be done! We have to get another bucket of paint before we can complete the last wall but that's not a big deal as it is behind two, tall bookshelves & won't be as noticeable. I'm excited to have this project almost complete! I love, love, LOVE the color we picked. It is elegant & suits the foyer and stairway beautifully. Another plus is that it's dark and hides the little marks and such that I'm sure my kids will add in the future.
On Your Mark, Get Set, GO! Here I am painting away!
Let Me In! Bugs was not happy to be left out of the fun.
After awhile the boys settled in to play with their new toys.
MuralE-boy finished his new mural tonight. Dave & I were both impressed! Boo helped him with cutting & he did the rest on his own.
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