Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Let It Snow!

This morning we woke up to S-N-O-W! I was kind of surprised b/c I thought the temps would be too warm to get much, if any snow. Boy was I wrong! The temps must have dipped b/c we ended up with at least 6 inches of snow if not more! It was perfect for making snow people. I was super glad Dave was home as I'm not that talented when it comes to rolling snow. He is though. He did a super job and we had a BLAST. Even after the kids went inside Dave & I were still outside playing. We were the last of the "kids" to come inside. Lol! What a great morning!

The beginnings of a snowman......


What talent!

Remember the picture I took in the spring? Still beautiful! Now it's sporting it's "winter outfit".

Look how deep the snow is!

Big foot!!!!!!!

Boo & Daddy sculpt the snowman.

Daddy & Daughter

The Three......er........Four of Us
(Yes, my hat IS too small. Lol.)


Little Pumpkin
Boo & I made this little gal together.

Big Daddy

Time for Mama!
We decided we couldn't have a Daddy & a Baby and not make a Mama.

A Family!
All decked out and ready to have their family photo taken!


Kids At Heart

I went to stand up, stepped in a hole, lost my balance and before I knew it was on the ground. LOL! Too funny!

My Hero!
We were laughing so hard I thought I was going to pull Dave down with me. LOL!

We Made It!
Whew! Sweet Pea told us there was a car driving by and they slowed down to stare & then laugh at our predicament. We aim to entertain! Hee, hee!

I can hardly wait to go out and play in the snow again tomorrow! We are supposed to receive at least another 6 inches - maybe more!

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