Friday, January 11, 2008


We had our 4th annual Family New Year's Celebration at home. We made a buffet dinner of snacks & such and then played games and watched movies all night. Fun! This year was a little different as E-boy was more interested in playing his new video game. It was nice being together and having some down time at home. We hadn't planned on the kids staying up until midnight but it worked out that way and we all toasted the new year together.

Homemade Pizza

Homemade BBQ Meatballs

Mozzarella Sticks & Chicken Strips

Yep, you guessed it, also homemade *wink*

He was in his glory.

Such a clown!

He kept dipping carrots in and taking a bite and then......

.......he accidentally dipped his entire hand in. Clean up, Aisle 1!

This was hilarious!
Daddy plugged in E-boy's new video game & the opening music came on. Suddenly everyone started to dance! What a fun moment! Lol!

Time to play his new game! Yay!

While everyone else played & watched the video game Sweet Pea & I played Connect Four. Eventually Bugs came over to watch & to help his big sister.


And they all fell down! Hee, hee, hee!

Round #2

Mama joins in for a game.

Next.........a game of Operation

Sweet Pea checks her email on my laptop.

Daddy, Boo & I play a game of 'Sorry!'

Tucker wants to play too.

He has his own version of playing the game. *grin*

After that the kids settled down for a bit & Bugs slept on while Dave & I played a few rounds of Yahtzee. Then we toasted in the new year with juice & soda.
Happy 2008 everyone!

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