Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Walk in the Snow

It is snowing again today! Now it's light, fluffy flakes but for a couple of hours it was coming down fast & furious. It beckoned and I answered getting the family all from their various places in the house and announcing we were all going for a walk. There were cheers from all but one. He was hooked to his video game but soon conceded. We got outside and it is gorgeous. Just like a picture postcard.

Catching snowflakes. Yummy!

Snowing Hard

Loving His Sled Ride

And Away They Go
Bugs kept yelling, "Wheeeee!"

Wild & Crazy Crazy Wild & Crazy
The first part of the walk was fun. The first 5 minutes, that is. Then Sweet Pea started sulking. Next it was Boo's turn & she started crying. Soon to follow was E-boy's whining & then the girls were fighting. They stopped to start pushing each other around. At first they laughed but it didn't take long before they were fighting again. E-boy spent the rest of the walk whining. I wanted to knock their heads together. Bugs was the only happy one. And many close to us wonder why we don't get out & walk more often. Are ya kidding me?!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, these antics sound very familiar to me (as in, I lived through it!)! HAHA! It won't last... :-)
Patty Jo