Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't Stand It Anymore!

My room has been getting on my nerves these past couple of months. It is one thing when you've first moved in to have things in chaos and I even understood the busyness of Thanksgiving & Christmas getting in the way but now that spring is here I feel the need for wide open spaces, no clutter & clean surfaces. It could also be my nesting instinct kicking in full force as we approach the finish line in this pregnancy. Whatever it is I can hardly stand it anymore. I am determined to have it clean & in order so I can relax when Baby comes. I don't know about you but I find it hard to relax when I'm stuck sitting with a view of chaos.

Sweet Pea helped me with my closet recently but there were still boxes to unpack. They had been shoved in there to get out of the way (and out of sight) for awhile. Plus then I piled up a couple more boxes in sorting. I have one gift box & one box for clothes that need to go into specific bins which are presently buried in the garage. I'm glad to have the gifts all in one place. It was very handy for Sweet Pea's birthday.
Birthday Party Blower Of course in addition to the boxes are the piles I am busy sorting. How come when you try to clean it ends up making a much bigger mess than you started with? Eee gads.

Today I couldn't take it anymore and dug in. I'm proud to say I worked on my room every minute I was conscious. Lol. Yes, I did have to take a short nap or I wouldn't have made it. Sweet Pea & later Boo Bear did help me a little. Mainly running things to different rooms. I'm very happy with the results. I still have the 2 boxes that will need to be put away later (the clothes & gifts) but they have to wait until the shed is built and the garage is sorted. A domino effect if you will. Other than that I have only one, big box to unpack, a paper bag full of papers to put away (ugh), some wrapping paper to stick in the attic, and some shelves to find a home for and have Dave put up for me. Not bad at all! I'm a little afraid of the big box as I have no idea what's inside waiting for me. I'm praying it's not a ton of odds & ends. Oh, I forgot to mention I also dusted & vacuumed in here tonight too! Yay! And I can even see surfaces of furniture again! I'll post finished pics when all is complete. For now here are some of the "in progress" pics I took earlier in the week.

This makes me shudder when I see it. Doesn't it remind you of the show "Clean House"? Yikes!

Of course the cats HAVE to be in the middle of everything. Here is Pixie/Romeo checking out the wire cubbies.

Sassy enjoyed hanging out in the unpacked box.

Thank God Sweet Pea can think in the abstract. I am completely lost when it comes to putting these cubbies together. Aren't I sad?

We even had enough for her to set up some in the other side of the closet. They are awesome of inexpensive storage.

All ready to be filled with organized things.

My gift box & clothing box I mentioned. The smaller box is breakables that I have no place for until I get shelves up. The giant box is the one we unpacked today. Full of odds & ends! What a hassle! It has a matching twin and I was using both for nightstands these past months. How glad I will be when they are gone for good.

We can see the floor! Can I hear a "Hallelujah?!?"

I love, love, LOVE these cubbies! I also love the photo boxes. We bought these at Michael's around Christmas on sale. I am using one for memorabilia, one for photos, one for a mini-office supply, one for coupons & one for receipts.

One step closer to being ready for Baby! The floor is even clearer now and I can get in and out of my room without bumping into boxes. I'll have more pics soon. Hopefully of the finished product. It won't be fancy like the HGTV shows but I don't care. (Personally, I find them unrealistic anyway unless you have a giant wad of cash to invest.) As long as it's clean, organized & spacious I will be a very happy girl!

1 comment:

MOMMY said...

Can I borrow SP? We have a ton of projects to do! LOL You all did a great job sprucing things up-I know I felt like you when I was about to have children-I wanted to have everything perfect before I came home with baby. I even shampooed all of the carpets the weekend before I went in to have B! Where did that energy come from, I don't even have it now!