On Saturday we worked in the Family Room. There were still boxes that needed unpacking, books that needed to be shelved, toy shelves to be organized, and lots to vacuum including the inside & outside of the couch. Dave also moved things out of the Baby's room that didn't belong & placed and hooked up the television on the chest that's been waiting for it. It looks like I had dreamed it would! I was starting to wonder if I had misjudged the size & potential of the room as all the junk & misc. stuff made it seem smaller all the time. How awesome it is to have a little family room upstairs to relax in and for the kids to play in.
The "new" family & toy room! This shot was taken while standing in the doorway of our master bedroom. The door at the opposite end is the Baby's room.
We have plenty of room for our library of books & even a table to do schoolwork on. I love the toy & bookshelves that Dave built. They are perfect for that specially shaped space. (The door to the left leads downstairs.)
Our couch from the old house fits nicely up here. It's a great place for us to hang out and watch family movies together.
The shelves that Dave built all organized with books & toys.
Here the boys are playing together on Elvis' V-tech laptop.
It was worth all the hard work for these little faces.