Can you believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving? WOW! Time certainly does fly. I don't know about you but the older I get the faster it flies. We have tons to do here and I'm looking forward to it all. Well, maybe not the laundry & scrubbing the bathrooms. Lol. The kids will be making pies with Daddy tonight. A Thanksgiving family tradition in our home. There are lots of other dishes to prep too. I did my grocery shopping early to beat the rush so we'll be sitting pretty at home today. =)
And don't forget my Black Friday game plan! Yes, I am one of those crazies who venture out before the day has dawned to run like the wild thing I am and catch those deals. I haven't even started my shopping this year due to everything that's been going on for the past 6.5 months. Usually I have a nice stock of yard sale treasures and some clearance items. This year I'm starting from scratch. Yes, I'm a little panicked. But thanks to some terrific sales & creative ideas we should do fine. Plus we are keeping it more on the simple side this year b/c of budget & moving.
So what are your plans? Anyone else running alongside me on Friday?
Have fun Friday!!!
I usually am out and about early with my SIL on Black Friday but not this year. We have gotten most of our shopping done already due to great clearance sales and picking a few things up each week. This year we are staying in and enjoying our leftovers and getting the Christmas decorations out and started. I can't wait!!!
As for Thanksgiving, I have most of the house ready to go but still need to prep some food and make a pumpkin roll (my can opener broke today so I am waiting for a new one when DH gets home from teh store!). My parents are having their bathroom gutted and remodeled so they are showering here today so I have already done the scrubbing-what fun! I swear it is my LEAST favorite job of all!!
Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday! IS Sweet Pea going out to the sales with you?
Same here..I am pretty much done shopping. All 4 kids are done, Eric is MIL is done..just gotta get my mom something and pick up the stuff for the neices and nephew ( that's only 4 gifts)... we hit lots of great sales and took advantage of free shipping on Amazon!
Yeah, S.P. went! S.P.
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