Sunday, November 9, 2008

Family Fun

Bug-a-Boo's birthday was at the end of September & Boo Bear's was the first week in October. Daddy came home the weekend of Bugsy's so we could celebrate both birthdays at once. We still had a gift certificate saved from Christmas to a local bowling alley. We thought this would be the perfect time to use it for the family. We had such a great time bowling. We had the whole alley to ourselves almost the whole time we were there. The boys had never bowled before & it was cute to see them get in their own little grooves. Most of all it was great being together.

Daddy teaching Elvis how to throw the ball.

Everyone was anxious for their own turn.

Boo did extremely well!

Elvis had the moves!

See his face?

Here he goes!


Watching the ball roll down the lane.

Look, Mommy!

Look at that power!

Whoa, Baby!

Keeping Score

Sweet Pea's turn!

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