Saturday, November 15, 2008

PA to Ohio to Kentucky

After visiting G&G in PA it was on to Ohio. We had a reservation to stay in Cincinnati so off we went. The kids & I were amazed at how flat the land was. After living in the beautiful mountains for most of my life and all of the children's lives it was hard to imagine living on such flat land. The second thing we noticed was lots & lots of corn.

Gas was a little higher here nearer to the city.

Sweet Pea helped out & learned how to pump gas.

Tucker was relieved to be out of the carrier for the day & to relax in the hotel.

The next day started the last leg of our road trip. Here we are at the Welcome Center in Kentucky. Sweet Pea & Bugs were in the car with Daddy asleep.

Another check on the gas prices.

We had lunch here. It was very good & the service was terrific!

Dave is eager to get back to the road.

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