Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yummy, Yummy!

Today has been busy. First we went to Bible study. One of the ladies from our church & her oldest daughter watched the children. What a blessing! I was able to be upstairs with the other ladies & wasn't worried or distracted one bit. The children were able to get schoolwork done and the youngers had time to play.

After Bible study we came home and I immediately started working on produce from the garden. I'm afraid that if it sits much longer in this warm weather we will have to compost it. I blanched & peeled tomatoes and then peeled & cut up zucchini, onions & green peppers. I made 2 crock pots full to the brim of with spag. sauce. Soon the house will smell like an Italian restaurant! Lol! Sweet Pea shredded zucchinis for me and we'll make bread either tonight or tomorrow. The kids are all looking forward to that!

Now it's time to get everyone settled down for some quiet time. The youngers will nap & the olders will read. I love this part of the afternoon. It's a nice break after the craziness of the morning and hard work of chores, etc. Plus the girls are bickering & they need some rest. I've already decided early bedtimes are happening tonight. Yes sir!

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