Here! Yes, I'm still here. Busy with our company so there is not much time to blog. We are having a good time. Today we went to Boo's first soccer game of the fall season. She did a great job. We were especially impressed b/c not only did she have a bad cough (still here) but it was H-O-T outside today. Even at 9:30a.m. ! It was a special treat to have Uncle Neil & Aunt Laura there to watch her play. After that we ran an errand & then headed home to put lunch together. The kids played in the pool later & I read and took a nap. Ahhhhh........... We made spag. & a tossed salad for supper. Thankfully, I had made the sauce ahead of time as it was very interesting to try to prepare dinner for 9 without running water. The guys were working to fix a dripping pipe & the project became far bigger than either had anticipated. We ended up having to "beg & borrow" water from our neighbor across the street. Thank you God for blessing us with kind neighbors! Because of the water issue dinner took quite awhile to prepare. Much longer than usual which also made for cranky, hungry children. To boot we had thunderstorms this afternoon & evening that kept everyone inside. Ack! We made it through, had a tasty dinner and even got the kids to bed early or on time. Then Laura, Neil, Dave & I sat down to watch some of Graham's, (L's brother), videos. Oh, he is a riot! He made one with clips he videoed of our Nana - HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard my stomach hurt! We watched it twice. I can hardly wait to get a copy of my own. LOL!
Hopefully I'll get some pics posted tomorrow or Monday. Tuesday we are supposed to go on an all day, outdoor field trip. Please pray it doesn't rain. Before the forecast was clear but now they are calling for 40% chance of rain. Ick. We're going to pray against it! Will you too, please? Not only is it a fabulous trip but we are planning to meet up with my dear friend Megan. I don't want to miss visiting with her. I'm also praying that it doesn't rain Monday afternoon either. It's E-boy's first soccer practice & game! He has been looking forward to this for the last 2 months. E-boy has had his soccer clothes laid out & ready for the past 2 weeks. I'm praying he won't be disappointed. I hope I'm not being too demanding. *wink*
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