Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away..........

I'm feeling a bit blue today. After a lot of back & forth I made the final decision not to go on our big field trip today. It is 1.5 - 2 hours away & involves lots of walking outdoors. The forecast today is for rain, thunderstorms & possibly hail. I was praying for God to clear the weather but when I realized this wasn't in His plan I canceled our trip. I couldn't see us driving all that way & spending precious $$ to most likely have a day of being soaking wet, running for cover & trying to handle 4 kiddos on my own through it all. I'm very disappointed b/c not only was the trip supposed to be awesome but we were going to meet my dear friend Megan & her family there. I was EXTREMELY excited when I first found out they were also going! (They live in a different state so I had no idea they were planning to go.) After I found out I got off of the computer & ran to Dave chatting like a magpie & sharing my exciting news. Now I'm disappointed & sitting here hoping & praying I made the right decision.

On the bright side I am VERY thankful that God did allow the weather to break yesterday afternoon. E-boy's first soccer practice & game were scheduled for last night. He had been looking forward to this for over 2 weeks. In fact, he carefully laid out his soccer clothes, etc. and has had them ready & waiting for the entire 2 weeks. I knew he'd be okay if it was canceled but I was also hoping & praying that God would grant my little boy this heart's desire. It poured right b/f we left for practice but it stopped as we were driving & then stayed away until well after practice. PTL! E-boy did a fantastic job at practice & we were very proud of him. Of course he made sure to "woo" the ladies (2 of his coaches) before he left. Lol! Our friends got a big kick out of that. Unfortunately I don't have any pics of the big event b/c I accidentally forgot my memory card in the computer. (Had the camera......) You can be certain that I'll have my camera AND memory card next week! Oh, and Dave & I forgot just how fun it is to watch the little ones play soccer. Too cute! We can hardly wait for the next practice.

1 comment:

Alison said...

We didn't go either... I had zero desire to chase 3 small kids thru the mud...LOL