Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Change of Seasons

In our home when seasons change it means it's time to drag the clothes bins out of the attic again. We have a big fashion show where everyone tries on the hand-me-downs and models them. We then pack away the clothes we won't be needing for that particular season & drag the "new" ones to the laundry room. The kids enjoy finding old favorites & showing off their "new" duds.

Elvis modeling

Clowning Around

What a Diva!

Bugs Takes a Break to Play

Big Sister's Shirt
This shirt was a hand-me-down from a friend to Sweet Pea. Now Boo is thrilled that it's her turn to wear it!

My Helper
Sweet Pea was a big help. She tried several outfits on Bugs while I passed out clothes, folded others and sorted. He kept saying, "I handsome!"

1 comment:

MOMMY said...

How cute!!!!

Looks like our house at the change of seasons-if only I could find the flip flops from last year!!! Can you g uess who will be digging in the basement tonight???

Gotta love those hand me downs!!!!!