Friday, May 9, 2008

Back in the Nest

We are very happy to have Daddy home again. Even though he was only out of town from Wed. afternoon to late Thursday night the children did not see him until tonight (Friday) since he had to work and they were at G&G's. It's good to have everyone back in the nest again.

Won't Let Go!
Bugs didn't want to move from his snuggle spot next to Daddy.

Present Time!
Daddy brought everyone a little something from the airport.


Using Her New Pen

Drawing Time

Giving & Receiving
Elvis was disappointed when we checked the mailbox today & there was no mail for him. I told him that if he wanted to receive mail he should write some letters. He immediately settled down and started working on a drawing for Grannie. Don't peek Grannie! It will be in your mailbox soon.

Here It Is!
The finished product. He wrote, "Granny, I Luv U" and "I Mis U" and a heart with the word "Love" in it. And he drew a picture of Grannie. Looking good, Mom! Lol.

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