Tearing my Hair Out
It's one of those days with my kids. All but the youngest is driving me up a wall. What does it take to motivate them into being responsible? To do even one chore without being nagged to pieces? To sit down and stay sitting down for more than a minute to complete some written schoolwork? To stay out of what they have been told not to touch without permission? Sometimes I feel more like a drill sergeant than a mom or teacher. *big sigh* Both the girls have goals they desperately want to reach. Boo wants to "earn" a bird & S.Pea a hamster. These are big things for us to consent to. We made a deal that if they are responsible for a certain # of days than they would get these prized possessions. So far I don't think we've seen one full day from S.Pea and Boo started off with a bang on Sunday but that soon fizzled out. What am I doing wrong? I just know I'm going to be bald before I'm 40.
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