Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Frugal Thrill

Some of you may find this to be silly but I couldn't NOT share. =) We belong to our local Freecycle group. This weekend I replied to an offer of a bag of rags. I think at first Dave questioned why I would want someone else's rags but he bit his tongue and dutifully picked them up for me. When he got home it was a frugal Christmas for me! Lol! It was a much bigger bag than I had expected and it was chock full of old washcloths, dish towels, dish clothes & flannel rags! Yee ha! I have been wanting to cut down on our use of paper towels and new rags are kind of expensive considering what they will be used for. This was certainly a treasure in my opinion! I washed them up using a little bit of bleach and a bunch of soap and they are all ready to go. My rag cubbie is now full to the brim! It makes me want to clean so I can start using them! Well.............almost. =) Hee, hee!

I was even able to rescue these dish towels from the piles! I like to change mine out at a minimum once a day and having a few more will help when I'm behind in laundry.

1 comment:

Crystal Arcand said...

Huzzah on the loot! Isn't it fantabulous when God blesses us with "trash"?!?!