Saturday, January 16, 2010

This Week

We've been trying to get back into the groove of school this week. It has been a little tough as Princess & I both came down with colds and we had extra appointments & activities too. But we did accomplish some bookwork & hands on learning.

It's tough keeping Bugs entertained especially with this freezing cold weather. These finger puppets were a fun project.

He was quite happy with his handiwork.

It was a proud day for Elvis when he finished his Beyond the Code book!
His reading comprehension has really progressed.

Busy working on his next assignment. I love that he can do his work anywhere. I know he'd be terribly unhappy sitting at a desk all day.

Princess at play

The boys were super excited to receive letters from their friend W. this week!
We ended the week with a field trip to the Discovery Museum. Sweet Pea took pics of that on her camera. Hope to post them soon!


Rhonda said...

That photo of Elvis doing his work on the couch just cracks me up. I find my girls in some of the craziest positions sometimes. Hey, if it gets them to do their work, I say let 'em have their fun.

~Jenn~ said...

Looks like a most excellent week even with you not feeling so well!