Sunday, January 10, 2010

What A Sweet Surprise!

I received 2 awards! I'm surprised & thrilled about this. Thank you to Alison, Julia, & Rhonda for giving these to me. You have made my entire month!

First there is The Sunshine Award. This award is given to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blogworld.

And this award is The Lemonade Stand Award. This is awarded for being a blogger who shows great attitude & gratitude.

The rule in accepting these awards is that I in turn have to award them to 10 other bloggers who inspire me. I am happy to do this!

Alma Mater ~ Megan is my best girlfriend in the whole, wide world. She was there for me during the worst time in my life, the loss of our baby girl. She has continued to be there for me celebrating with me in the good times, encouraging me in the tough times & praying with me and lifting me up in the bad. She always understands me & always knows jut the right thing to say. She was my one & only friend who celebrated with me through my entire pregnancy with Princess. She matched & I think even exceeded my excitement at times. Wow! I don't know what I'd do without her. She is truly a gift from above. Her blog always makes me smile. She inspires me as I watch her pour her heart & soul into everything she does. I simply adore her!

Wazley Academy ~ Alison is a friend I met at the very beginning of her homeschool journey. Though I started first it is SHE who inspires ME with her creative schooling & endless energy. I miss her now we have moved away but am happy we keep in touch almost daily. You rock girl!

Alston Academy ~ Rhonda is a new friend I met on a wonderful homeschool chat website. She is one of the sweetest people I have met this past year. She is always encouraging me with her kind comments on my blog. I love reading of all she is doing with her girls. Her sunny attitude & creativity always make me smile! Have I mentioned that her girls are gorgeous?

Shady Bayou Academy ~ Chelita's blog is one I stared reading when I found the link on Alison's blog. Her stunning photos first caught my attention. The fact that she is a midwife also kept me hooked. I love how she loves with all her heart and isn't afraid to show it. That's my very favorite thing about her. It comes through on her blog loud & clear. That & her sweet boys keep me coming back for more.

Live, Laugh, Love ~ Julia is another new friend I met on the wonderful website. She has 3 sweet girls that make me smile each time I see their photos. I like seeing what they are up to both in their home stuff & their homeschool. Having an older child she helps me to see what I can be doing for my oldest as well. I must make sure to say that I am totally & completely in awe of her computer talents.

Our Many Beautiful Blessings~Jenn is another new friend. She always has a kind word to say. I like checking out her blog as she has such a busy life and so much to post! Like us, she has 5 children. As you know I'm in love with large families! She has older children and I look to her for inspiration.

One Step At A Time~Tammy ~ Tammy is a friend I met on a Christian moms frugal site. I was delighted when I learned that she homeschools too! She is always full of frugal tips, yummy meal ideas & hands on learning.

Just Us!~Amy is a friend I met in our homeschool group in MA. She has since ended her homeschool journey but that doesn't mean we aren't still friends! LOL! She has an adorable family & they are always up to something fun. We miss our playdates but are glad to still keep in touch via blogs & FB.

Creating A Godly Heritage ~ Terry is a friend I met when we moved to the "city" in MA. She was starting a homeschool group & I was interested. She ended up becoming a dear friend. Terry has a contagious laugh & I love to hear it as it always brings me joy. Her middle daughter and mine ended up becoming best friends. She is a sweetheart just like her mama. I love her blog as it always makes me think. She raises issues that I think all Christians should be thinking about.

Homeschool Madness ~ Jamie is the author of this blog. I want this mama's energy! Wow! On top of all she is doing she just had a baby. I believe this makes #4. Congrats!

The Duklings~Heather's blog is one I recently started reading. I am inspired by her weight loss journey. I think it takes a lot of courage to post your stats for everyone to see! I am grateful she is doing this. Thank you, Heather! Her homeschooling journey is one I am enjoying reading about. She takes a ton of pics which I LOVE on a blog. And her youngest is so delightfully adorable!

Now, if you have been awarded these first of all CONGRATS! To accept your awards these are the rules you need to follow.

* Put the award logo(s) on your blog or in your post.

* Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude or gratitude or 1o blogs that inspire you. (You can choose whomever you want. It doesn't matter if they've been nominated already)

* Link the nominees in your post.

* Let the nominees know they have received the award(s) by posting a comment on their blog.

* Share the love & link to the person who awarded you the award(s).

Again congratulations & have fun choosing your nominees!


Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Kristine!

~Jenn~ said...

Thank you so very much for nominating me!

Megan said...

Thank you, my precious friend. I am amazed at how God brought us together at that particular time of heartache and loss when we could extend His comfort to eachother. I thank Him for blessing me with such a loving, creative and faithful friend. :)

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Your the sweetest dang lady in the whole world! I love your big family! I just love you all! Your family shows us what family is all about. Your an inspiration!