Saturday, May 2, 2009

Getting Dirty

We started our garden planting. Last weekend we bought some seeds & plants. I had a bunch of seeds from last year but for the life of me I cannot find them. I could have sworn I put them in the fridge but they have disappeared. We let the kids each have a small pot to plant some seeds. These are fun because they are usually beans or peas and they sprout quickly. I planted 3 small pots with flower seeds. They are kind of an experiment to see if they will grow in this different climate. Being new to Tennessee we haven't had a garden here and aren't sure what will grow well & how the hot summer will effect specific vegetable plants & flowers. We bought some starter tomato & pepper plants and Dave planted these. He also put some seeds in this week. He made an awesome raised bed. I was amazed when he told me it took FORTY-FIVE 40LB. BAGS of topsoil to fill one raised bed. Yow-zah! We hope it pays off in fresh veggies. Instead of the kids having their own garden spots like they did in Massachusetts we are going to let them have container gardens instead. The soil is not good for growing here and we have underground wires & cables so digging is very limited. Plus with water being much more expensive down here container gardens will save $. I'm looking forward to watching our garden grow & produce. The kids are even more eager than I am!

The kids seeds & my flower seeds.
Planted April 26th

Geraniums in pots


Dave's Raised Bed
Fenced in to protect from kids & cats

Place to plant the seeds

Tomato & Pepper Plants

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