Friday, December 12, 2008

Cookie Decorating

Usually the kids & Dave make & decorate homemade sugar cookies over Thanksgiving weekend. This year due to different things the tradition was delayed a little. The kids took it all in stride and were excited when it was finally time to get to work. I didn't get any pictures of the cookie making Sunday night but did get to see the kids decorate the cookies on Tuesday night. They did a nice job and had lots of fun. I love seeing their different, creative styles.

Boo with her favorite color.

Sweet Pea loves to cook, bake & decorate.

Daddy & Elvis

Hard at Work


Bugs shows me his octopus.

Here come the cookies!

Bugs can't resist.

Daddy gives Bugs some sprinkles to put on his cookie.

The artists with their creations.
Doesn't Elvis look like he just got caught red handed? LOL!

Next it was time to bring the tree inside.

Elvis was more than eager to help.

Our Christmas Tree

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