Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow!


Tomorrow is our ultrasound! I'm super excited, can you tell? Lol! We are hoping first to see that all is well with Baby. Please, God. Then hopefully if Baby cooperates we will find out who this Little One is! Boy or girl? I can hardly wait! Each of the kids have their votes in and Dave does as well. As for me I don't have any definite guess. I'm so bad at that. Lol. Now just so you know I'm not going to post the results of boy or girl here. I don't want to spoil it for anyone that wants to wait until B-Day. If you'd like to know feel free to email me and I'll be happy to share. All I ask is please don't spoil it for anyone that wants to stay surprised. Thanks!

Way Too Happy 10 hours 18 minutes to go! Way Too Happy


MOMMY said...

Good luck! I pray all is well, I am sure it is! I REALLY REALLY want to know the gender so please email me! Thanks!!!

Alison said...

Girl..you need to e-mail me..I am sooo dieing to know!!!!