This was extremely funny to watch. Dave & I were sitting at the picnic table across the park. Boo & E-boy were trying to get on the see-saw. Because they weigh about the same amount, (yes, almost 4 years apart and they weigh almost the same), they couldn't get on the thing. One would try to get on and the other couldn't weigh their side down enough to climb on. We chuckled for a bit at their antics and then Daddy finally took pity on them and helped out.
It works!
In answer to your unspoken question,
It works!
In answer to your unspoken question,
"No, it's no fun to go down on your bum."
A hush falls over the crowd as she prepares to make her decent. Will she do it? Will she win the gold?
E-boy was having a blast with his sister. BUT every time he went up in the air Boo hit the ground hard. And I mean hard. That made E bounce up in the air off of his seat and land again with a big "plop". And every time that happened he'd laugh and say, "Ow". So it went like this, "Bang", "Hee,hee,hee!", "OW!" Over & over & over again. Comical indeed!
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