Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Finally! A real post again! Lol! Here is more of E-boy's birthday. After we had the party we went to look through some "After Tag Sale Freebies". We found a bunch of beautiful clothes for Sweet Pea, some for Boo, a set of pretty dishes, a ball "house" w/balls, a pretty doll and a lawn chair. Yahoo! To celebrate our finds & E-boy's special day we took the kids down to our favorite ice cream haunt. King Kone! Everyone loved the special treat. When we got home Dave & the kiddos cooled off in the pool.

A legend!

Is your mouth watering? Your arteries hardening? Lol!

My Big Kid

Crazy girl.

Poor Bugs was tuckered out.

Enjoying his ice cream.

In the backseat but not forgotten.

Dancing & Being Silly

The Definition of Relaxed.

What a Face!
I caught E-boy just as he was coming up out of the water. Lol! I'm not sure what happened but he sure looks funny!

The Gang


You're Not Going Anywhere, Daddy!

Sporting His Ring & Laughing at Sissy

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