Monday, July 16, 2007

4th of July Parade

Every year but one that we have lived in this area we have gone to the 4th of July Parade. It is a BIG parade and we love it. The one year we didn't go was b/c I was 6 days overdue with E-boy and it was an extremely hot day.
Our tradition is that Daddy gets up very early in the morning, goes down to the parade route and sets up our chairs and blankets. This reserves us a spot to watch the parade. This year Sweet Pea & Bugs went with him. He then picks up a box of Munchkins and we eat them while watching the parade. Nice!
This year the weather was perfect - not too hot, not too cold. And the rain held off until the parade was over. Very courteous, I'd say. It was such fun watching all the children but especially E-boy & Bugs. They were completely into it all. Bugs would get SO excited! It was contagious!

The traditional box of munchkins.

My love & I.



Watching & Listening to the Uncle Sam Chorus

Our Little American Boy

Giant Spaceman!!!!!!!!!

Our Friend Roy
Yes, he IS a Navy man!

I get such a kick out of this duck on T.V. that I HAD to take a pic of his float.
Do you see him?

Polish Band
Took this one especially for hubby.

Bugs clapping & cheering.
He clapped & waved to almost everyone in the parade.

E-boy & Daddy. My big hams.

Sweet Pea & Daddy

This is Bugs "excited face". It was funny to watch! He'd suck in a big breath and make this funny face. He couldn't believe he was getting to see so many motorcycles, cars, firetrucks, etc. all at once! Little Boy Heaven!

This man can BOOGIE!
This is our friend Dennis. His wife was marching with him but wouldn't stand by him while he was dancing for us. LOL!

Grannie & Uncle Tim watching with the boys.

Awwww.....Boo & her Daddy.


Look everybody! Lookie! Lookie!

Our Local Hero
I kept saying to everyone, "She's in our portfolio!" Lol!

De Gang

This was definitely one of our favorites.

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