Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Doos

I haven't cut the boys hair myself since they were each 2 years old or younger. I don't really feel confident styling it so we had them going to a barber. We haven't found a good one here yet. Plus lately our budget has needed to become even tighter. After much debating in my mind I decided to experiment with the new clippers Dave got for Christmas and see if I could indeed cut the boys hair and not have it turn out a nightmare. Elvis was quite hesitant at first. His reply was, "I don't want to be bald like Daddy!" Lol. I assured him he would not be bald and that I could make his hair be cut a little longer than Daddys' usually is. Finally after promising him $2 if he would allow me to cut his hair he agreed. Usually I would NOT pay my kids but would simply expect them to obey but in this I felt that it was important that he agree to participate. And that something be in it for him in case disaster struck. After all it would be HIM that would have to endure it in front of everyone in case I messed up. Some may disagree but this is how I felt and still feel. So off we went to Barber Mommy's chair!

I wanted to take some 'before' pics before the buzz. My ham here didn't have a simple pose in him. LOL!

Not sure where he gets this model attitude. What a nut!

This is my favorite. Isn't he a crack up?

Happy to be in the chair.....and still hamming it up.

To my complete surprise as soon as Bugs saw Elvis in the chair he declared he wanted his hair cut too! "My turn next!" he yelled. As soon as Elvis vacated the chair Bugs jumped right up.

My shorn sheep.
He is all set and quite pleased with his new doo. Boy was I relieved all turned out well!

Bugs' 'after' photo.
He did such a fabulous job sitting still in the chair & allowing me to move his head as I needed.

Another 'after' pic.
I am quite pleased with the results on both boys. These new clippers are great. I used the highest setting, #7. I think when the hot weather hits AND I feel more confident in my role as barber we will go for a lower setting but for now this worked very well. Since the clippers have already paid for themselves with the 2 haircuts Dave has had since we bought them the boys haircuts were FREE. Just my time & a little patience. Oh, and $2 for Elvis. Hee, hee. But even with Elvis' incentive to be paid I saved $28. I was really pleased to be able to contribute to our budget in this way.