Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Fill-In

1. Enough with the wishful thinking & waiting. I'm moving on!

2. Politics sometimes causes me to be conflicted.

3. I've been craving sleep, ice cream, curly fries, baby back ribs, steak, a glass of wine & a vacation. How's that for a list? =)

4. My children's antics make me laugh.

5. I wish I could go to see Nana & Uncle Bryce next week.

6. Planning our spring vegetable & flower gardens has been on my mind lately.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to Dave coming home & staying home for 2 days in a row, tomorrow my plans include going to the lab for my glucose test (yuck!),the library, taking down the Christmas tree, working on the house & being with my family and Sunday, I want to try to make it to Sunday school, pick up a surprise for Sweet Pea & watch Prince Caspian with the fam!

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