Saturday, January 17, 2009

Keeping Busy

Some snapshots of school this week & last. Sweet Pea also started her Apologia CD-Rom. She loves it! I'm very pleased with this as it not only makes things easier for me but it motivates her to complete her science assignments. Definitely worth every penny. I didn't get shots of Biology or the many baking projects the kids completed. They made muffins, cupcakes, cake & cookies. Sweet Pea also made dinner for us many times this week. But here is proof that we ARE doing school! LOL! =)

Bugs works on some puzzles while I do math & Explode the Code with Boo & Elvis.

Explode the Code.........he is motivated to finish Book 3 and move on to Book 4. Love this program!

I wrote lesson plans for Sweet Pea in between helping Boo & Elvis. I found she works best if I give her specific assignments and specific days.

Coloring Time!
We started reading & discussing The Light & The Glory. While I read & we talked the kids colored pictures I had printed off the Internet. Hopefully our scanner will be working soon & I can use the pics from the Light & Glory coloring book.

Bugs joined in for a few minutes at least. =)

One of their completed pics.
I had to crop it as I forgot they had written their names on the front of their papers. I was impressed on all that they remembered from our discussion & reading even the next day.

Bugs wanted to show his off too.

Math Time
Our counting blocks are still packed away somewhere. But the beauty of it is that we can use pretty much anything to count, right? We grabbed some matchbox cars and were back in business!

Elvis used these cars to do some abstract math. He really got it seeing the numbers come to life.

He did almost all of it on his own. I was impressed! I think he is ready for some tougher math but I don't want to skip the in between parts. We'll just work a little faster to catch up from the time we took off for our move & illnesses.

The three younger kids went to AWANA again this week & Sweet Pea went to youth group. They were all so excited when they returned home. Boo & Bugs had successfully recited their memory verses to their teachers. I was proud of both of them. This is the first time Bugs has ever done anything like that! Elvis had lost his paper so he didn't have his verse memorized. His teacher was very understanding as this was only his 2nd time there. He did however have a blast during game time. Sweet Pea came home all pumped up from the message her youth pastor had preached. She has a real heart to win those she loves to Christ. She even made her own t-shirt last week and it declares, "Will you fight for Christ with me?" I love seeing her heart on fire for the Lord. The kids are all having a great time in their Sunday school, AWANA & youth group classes.

1 comment:

Ekelund Fam said...

What a blessing to see your Sweet Pea on fire for Him. I pray that for my little ones. What a testimony to you and Dave as parents too! Blessed be the name of the Lord!