Sunday, September 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, Bug-a-Boo!

My baby is 3 years old! I know everyone says this but where has the time gone? He is no longer my baby but my little boy. I am a little sad but so very proud too. It was such fun watching him enjoy his special day. I will have more pictures to share later.........after all it's me right? Lol! But I wanted to share at least one before bed time arrives. Thank you to everyone who called or wrote and wished our special boy a happy birthday! He was grinning from ear to ear. =)


MOMMY said...

Happy Birthday!!!!! I noticed that he likes the Planet Heroes, we do here too. Check out Fisher Price's website, there was a FREE DVD recently that you could send for.

I think that I may get one of the "action heroes" for B this Christmas. I can't wait to see the rest of the pics and hear how his day was. When is your next birthday?

Congrats on the kittens-C loved checking out the pictures on the blog!

Three In My Nest said...

My gosh! Is he REALLY three already?
I can't believe it!