Friday, September 5, 2008

Fun at the Fair

On Labor Day we wanted to do something fun. We found a county fair not too far from our home and off we went. We went after lunch so we wouldn't have to spend $ on a full meal. There was a lot to see & do!

Lots of these to see!

The Little Zoo

This guy fascinated all the kids.

Snug as a Bug

Lovely Colors


The lady held our her hands & the monkey held out his arms to her. So sweet!

Pig Races

I love these! The first time I saw these was our first year of marriage. I was looking forward to seeing this event again.

And they're off!

Next were the "hot dogs". Can you see their costumes?

We laughed when we saw the added touch of mustard. LOL!

Munch, Munch

This nice girl let Elvis pet the sheep she was leading.

His horns were amazing.

A Sweet Treat

We stopped at a local bee farm stand to buy some tubes of fresh honey.

Sweet Pea enjoys her honey.

Boo waits patiently in the bleachers.

Elvis wanted to make sure he got a turn at the camera.

Letting the Horses Out for a Run

And the cows & bulls............

Daddy and Bugsy

Posing for Mommy

Running In a Herd

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