Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Basin

While we were at Nana's Sweet Pea & I took time to go visit the Basin. The weather forecast was for sunshine but we woke up to clouds & temps in the 50s. There was a threat of rain so we hurried up and got on our way hoping to beat it.

A Blanket of Fog

On the bridge entering the basin.

Look at those trees!

Sweet Pea

The Basin

Isn't this wild? I'd love to hear what you see when you look at this.

Basin "Footprint"

Waterfall across from the Basin

It looked like little flakes or sprinkles on top.

Down the trail

Ta dah!


Sweet Pea posing.
She was going to go further out on the tree but since it was raining the tree was slippery and we thought it would be too risky.

The roots were like steps.

A little gorge.

The river is absolutely gorgeous & the sound of running water soothing.

The underpass leading to the Basin.
It was raining by the time we hiked the last trail so we left a little early. We timed it just right b/c it started pouring on the drive back to Nana's. We were glad we got the chance to see all that gorgeous scenery and enjoy the peace of the forest & the river.


Mama Teaching 3 said...

Beautiful Country!

Three In My Nest said...

WOW! that was absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for sharing those pictures.
Some of those spots were breath-taking!