Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Day

It was a loooooong day.

#1 Mowed Front Lawn

#2 Mowed 1/2 of Back Yard & over previous garden spot with super tall weeds (Mower pooped out on me several times. It finally wouldn't' go anymore. Guessed it must need more gas.)

#3 2 Loads of Laundry & tried to comfort Elvis after Boo threw bubble soap in his eyes (Yep, on purpose. Grrrrr.........)

#4 Cleaned up Kitchen

#5 Bath #2

#6 Trip to Walmart with 4 kids (2 which were fighting the entire time)

#7 Filled up newly purchased gas can with gas

#8 Returned home & hunted high and low for a funnel. Ended up with gas all over hands trying to pour it in mower. (Guess what? Hot soapy water and toothpaste help get the smell out.)

#9 Finished mowing back yard in 90 degree heat & humidity. (FYI, we have almost 1/2 an acre & used gas powered push mower.)

#10 Took Bath #3

#11 Was about to sit down to a late lunch when Realtor called to talk about showing tomorrow. Suggested I clean for cat pee again. (Our cats have been in heat & leaving their marks. )

#12 No Lunch. Instead left with Elvis for Trip #2 to pet store.

#13 Spent $30 in carpet shampoo & floor cleaner specifically made to eliminate cat pee smell. ($30 Yikes!)

#14 Came back home and shampooed back porch carpet. Also poured & scrubbed stuff into wood floor in kitchen & front porch.

#15 Took new sander out to front steps and sanded for about 40 minutes.

#16 Started to paint with new porch floor paint and realized color was not what I had thought. It had a bluish tint which looks horrible with our grey/green siding.

#16 Dad came and got Elvis & Boo per Mom's orders. (Thank God!)

#17 Loaded up Sweet Pea & Bugs and went for Trip #3. Again to Walmart. 3rd time in 2 days. It think we've been there every day since Saturday.

#18 Found paint, Febreeze, fish stuff & sandpaper at Walmart.

#19 Came home again. Started back on sanding steps. This time to get bluish paint off top step.

#20 Cleaned up from sanding & then started painting in new color. Painted all steps, all parts of railing, sides & lattice.

#21 Washed living room carpet, sectional couch, girls' carpet (on hands & knees scrubbing) and stairs. (Had to empty and refill carpet cleaner 4-5 times.)

#22 Went to front porch to paint. Did touch ups, more of higher part of walls & lots of the new trim. Tried to talk to Dave on speaker phone but Vonage kept cutting us off.

#23 Finally gave up on painting around 11:30p.m.

#24 Bath #4 of the day.

#25 Ate lunch/dinner compliments of darling Sweet Pea.

Tomorrow will be lots of cleaning as our showing is at 1:00p.m. EST. Please pray for us. We have a ton to do as I worked on projects and mowing all day today.


MOMMY said...

I know that you may not even see this as you are so so busy but I am praying!!! If you need a break call me!!!

I know that the cleaners and all help with the cat smell but I have found that dishes of vinegar left out in rooms (can hide in pretty glass dishes) help eliminate the smell the best. Give it a try a few hours before your showing, it may help. We do it with the dog now on top of everything else like carpet cleaners.

Good luck for an offer!!!!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

You are working so hard! You will see the fruits of your labor and I am praying!