Monday, July 7, 2008

.Saturday, June 21st - Part 2

WHEW! I'm getting further & further behind the more the summer goes on. It doesn't help that I have been taking more pictures than usual and we have been running around more. LOL! Guess that's my own fault, eh? *wink, grin*

The same day we took our field trip to Pleasant Valley we went to McD's for lunch (a special treat) and then later went to G&G's for dinner. Grandpa, my Dad, also came over during the day and helped out at our house. Here are some pics of that day. I'm calling it "Saturday, June 21st, Part 2"

The kids chose McD's for their special treat.

Fixing It Up


Yummy Fries

Enjoying Lunch


Playing With Kung Fu Panda Toys

Mulch For the Garden

Our Tomato Plants

Green Beans, Some Cucumbers & A Few Peppers
We don't have our usual large garden this year. There was no time to plant as we were concentrating on house projects. Plus as we weren't sure when the house would sell we didn't want to invest a ton of time & $ into a large garden. I do miss having it though. And the kids miss having their own gardens too.

Grandpa Mowing
I mowed the front yard & Grandpa took the back.

I didn't get any pics of them at G&G's as I was busy & it got dark quickly. We had a yummy dinner and I drove home late with the kids. It was a BIG day!

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