Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Princess & I came home from the hospital a week ago tomorrow. It was a very special time bringing her home for the first time.

I took a few pictures of her in her hospital bassinet before leaving.

It was hard to get her with her eyes open because of the flash.

No pictures please!

All dressed up

All snug in her car seat & blanket cover.

Mama rode in the back with Princess.

Sweet Pea greets her little sister.

Elvis is proud to hold his little sister.

Aren't they cute?

Presents from Princess to her big brother & sisters.
(Isn't the expression on Bugsy's face a riot?)

Think they are pleased? Hee, hee.

The kids, Grannie, Grandpa & Tim left to go swimming. While they were gone I broke out the cake that the hospital gave me at the birthday party. Dave & I shared. Chocolate with LOTS of frosting! Yum-my!

1 comment:

Megan said...

SO SWEET!! She looks like a little doll in her new dress. :) Isn't it an amazing feeling to bring our little ones home for the first time?!