Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fill-Ins we go!

1. It seems like
the older I get the easier it is to figure out who my true friends are.

2. PLEASE clean the bathroom, pick things up & tidy up when you're done, please?

3. If I thought you would listen I'd speak up!

4. You are the love of my life is what I think of most when I think of you, Dave.

5. To me, Valentine's Day means
priceless homemade Valentines from my kids, lots of "I Love You's" and feeling loved & immensely blessed.

6. God & my family give me strength.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to the homeschool Moms Meeting, tomorrow my plans include time with my family and Sunday, I want to rest up from this darn cold & cough!

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