Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Loving That Biology!

We finally have our wheels chugging along in Biology. The kids were hesitant at first asking, "What's Biology, Mommy?" & "Do we have to study that?" but now that they have been introduced they are having a grand time. I decided to skip the cell lesson for now and start with something fun & hands on. I chose birds. So far we have categorized them and talked about the different traits. Presently Boo & Elvis are cutting pics out of magazines, coloring them from print-outs & looking them up in our bird fact books. They are making their own bird book. The first thing they do is get the picture. Then they label it with the name of the bird and their category. Next they are to find facts and write those down too. Elvis only has to write 1 fact while Boo writes 3. The neat thing is even though they are only writing down 1 or 3 facts they are learning more b/c they are reading the information in the bird books to find these facts. They can hardly wait for Biology each day. Wow! Next after our fact books are completed we will move onto bird watching & journaling. I hope the excitement continues on!

Boo & Elvis color & label a print-out from the Internet.

Reading facts together from one of our books.

Looking up specific birds.

He was proud that he found the cardinal all on his own.

Pictures cut from magazines and ready to be glued.

Another book we are using.....

And yet another of our reference books.
These belong to us but this past Saturday we checked out some from the library.

This is my favorite of ours.

See the concentration?

Working hard!
We'll add some pics of their finished work soon. I know they are anxious to share. =)

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