Thursday, December 27, 2007

From Grandpa & Grandma With Love

On Saturday the children received their Christmas gifts in the mail from Grandma & Grandpa. We were going to have them wait until Christmas but when they spoke to Grandpa on the phone that afternoon he said it was fine to go ahead and open them early. So that evening they did! It was fun to watch their reactions & they were more than happy to start unwrapping presents early. Lol!
In addition to their gifts they each received a handmade ornament. I forgot to take a picture of them but will post one later. They are beautiful. He has made the children one every year for the past 10 years. They are priceless & we all treasure each one. Bugs also received a homemade, personalized stepping stool. This is also now a tradition for all the grandchildren to receive one about the time they are 2 or 3. This year Pops had 3 to make & design in addition to all the ornaments. Wow! He did a fantastic job. I would post a picture but it has Bugs' real name on it and I don't feel comfortable putting that on the world wide web. If you'd like to see a picture please let me know and I'll send you one privately.

Open it! Open it!
Bugs brings his present over to Mama for help.

No Hesitation Here
E-boy rips right into his.


What could be inside?

Boo's Turn

Boo is a very happy girl!

Sweet Pea receives a very cool puzzle.

Always a Hit!
She also received some cash! See that smile?

I See You!
Boo tries out her new gift.

Perfect Fit
Bugs puts his new stool to use right away.

That Didn't Take Long
Before we knew it E-boy had all his trucks, etc. freed from the package and was happily playing away.
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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