Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Celebrating Jesus

THe children had their Christmas program at church. It was a big year for us as it was E-boy's first time being in the program. He was over the moon with excitement. It was so cute to hear him practicing at home in the weeks leading up to the big night. The girls were looking forward to it too. We LOVE Christmas! Celebrating our Savior's birth is such an exciting and wonderful time!

The Narrators

Keeping Bugs Entertained
This helped for a little while but it's hard when it's so close to his bedtime and we already waited a half hour for the program to begin.

The Singing Begins
See Boo & Sweet Pea?

His Debut!
E-boy & the other younger ones join the choir.


Ringing Those Bells!
The last song was something to do with bells and celebrating Jesus' birth. E-boy was thrilled when Mrs. Smith let him have some bells. As our Pastor said, "She's their new best friend." Lol!
The children all did a wonderful job. It was a beautiful program and celebration of our Lord's birth.

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