Monday, December 3, 2007

Christmas has officially begun!

The kids were eager to decorate the tree on Saturday. If they had it their way we would have decorated it as soon as we arrived home from the tree place. Lol! We did decorate it that same evening and had a fun time. Our tradition is that mommy (that's me!) passes out the ornaments. I pass out their special ones first. Our special ones are the ones the children are given each year. We give them one on Christmas Eve and Dave's parents also give them one which Dave's dad makes by hand. They are really beautiful. We also pick up an ornament when we travel. For instance we bought one in Lancaster this summer when we visited there. After they have an ornament in hand Daddy helps them put them on the tree if they need assistance. I am also chief photographer. I didn't' get as many pics this year b/c it seemed our ornaments multiplied this year! We didn't even get them all on the tree. We did get all the special ones on though and the rest will go on the small artificial one on the front porch. We love our real tree and it fits beautifully in the living room. I'm glad we have it up early as then we can enjoy it that much longer.

Sweet Pea took these pictures of Daddy setting up the tree and putting on the lights.

And now the finishing touch...............the star!

I love how tall & full this tree is.

Here are our gifts under the tree.

Hanging some of the first ornaments........

Daddy helps with the high branches.

Filling Up Fast!
They had such a fun time!

A Very Special Time
I love the memories that come flooding back when we look at all our special ornaments from years gone by.
Sweet Pea reaches for the top.

In Memory
Every year I buy a special angel ornament for Rose Marie. They sit at the very top of our tree.

Dear to Our Hearts
This is the beautiful ornament Dave's dad made for Rose Marie the Christmas after we lost her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like your ornament tradition for Rose Marie.