Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Fun at the Creek

Last week we met our friends down at the park. There is an awesome creek there and the children had a blast in it. I'm so glad our friends invited us! It's certainly on our list of 'Favorite Places to Visit' now! THANK YOU Alison & kids for inviting us!

The children with the infamous crab.

E-boy plays in the water.

Jae sums up her courage and makes a solo trip down the creek. Go Jae!

Boys & mud = Lots of fun!

Snack time!

Lots of room to run ~ perfect!

Off to a rough start...........................

...........but look at him go now!

Boo is loving this!

The girls chase after Mr. Crab as he tries to make a break for it.

Sweet Pea & Declan have fun.

Can I keep them, Mom?
Sweet Pea caught 5 minnows. Science ~ Check!

Noah, Declan & Sweet Pea observe the minnows.
Isn't God's Creation the perfect classroom?

1 comment:

Alison said...

LOVE the pictures.. we had a great tome didn't we??