Thursday, May 17, 2007

Beauty in Our Own Backyard

We all went outside this afternoon. The children had fun playing. After I hung up a couple loads of laundry and planted my new annuals I received for Mother's Day I decided to look around the yard. There is a lot of beauty there when I take a moment to really look. Reminds me of that song Toby Keith sings, "My List". I believe that's the title. Here are a few pics from our afternoon outdoors.

Bug-a-boo thought it was fun running in and out of the wet clothes & towels.

The girls are harvesting rocks. A little "game" mommy thought up.

The children & Dave painted these for me for Christmas. For Mother's Day I received annuals to plant inside. I love them!

Future soccer player?

Our apple tree in bloom.

If the lawn had been mowed I wouldn't have been able to enjoy these violets today.

A lone tulip.

Lilies of the Valley

A few more tulips. I love their color!

Tinkerbelle wishes she could play outside too.

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