Friday, May 18, 2007

Library Woes

My oldest has recently lost 2 library books & one sound recording. PLUS she has almost $9 in fines on her library card. I want her to take responsibility for this as she is old enough but the problem is she doesn't have any $ to do so. I'm working this out. In the meantime I am setting some new rules for library card use. She has had her card taken away for a time and then will slowly be allowed to start checking out materials again. We'll start with 1 or 2 items and then if she shows responsibility for them she can borrow more the next time around. If she loses a book or racks up fines she will not be able to use her card until those are paid for. Sound reasonable? A friend of mine helped me with this idea as she shared her library rules for her children. I'm hoping that this will create less "hand-holding" from me and more self-motivation on her part.

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