Monday, March 22, 2010

Yummy Yogurt!

While the girls were finishing up the lapbooks Bugs was looking for something to do. I asked him if he'd like to feed Princess yogurt and he eagerly accepted.

Getting ready to feed a hungry Princess.

Open wide!

I don't think he has the 'scrape the chin' maneuver down yet. Lol!

Princess couldn't figure out why we were all laughing so hard.

Before it all fell on the front of her shirt, (notice the big globs of yogurt), it was on her chin & under her nose giving her a moustache & goatee. Sweet Pea thought she looked like the KFC colonel and she reminded me of the snowman narrator in the "Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer" movie.

Princess joined our laughter! Bugs loved the attention & giggled the entire time.

I think she may have actually eaten some! Hee, hee!
Bugs was very proud of his work & I was happy he helped his sister so willingly & cheerfully. =0)


Rhonda said...

Your kiddos are just the sweetest things. I love all of the smiles that they always have on their faces.

Heather the Mama Duk said...

Love it!

Megan said...

Thank you for capturing and sharing these priceless moments!! :) I enjoyed hearing about this on the phone last week, but now I can picture it perfectly.

Kristi said...

Thanks Kristine for sharing...these pictures are priceless. Not sure if princess actually ate any but it looks like she sure enjoyed it. and what a GREAT big brother to feed her =0)