Monday, August 3, 2009

Thank you, Mom!

While my parents where here visiting my Mom noticed our dishwasher wasn't working right. Amount other things the dishes on the top rack weren't getting washed. The dishwasher is as old as the house, (house built in 1987), so it wasn't really a surprise. But we didn't have the $ for a new one and were just using this one until it quit. We figured it was better than none, right? Well, one morning Mom had a huge surprise for us. She had gone online and selected a brand new dishwasher for us! And she wanted me to go down to Sears with her to order it. I was speechless. What a gift! And a surprise! We did and it was delivered the following Monday. Mom was able to see it and even use it while she was here. I absolutely LOVE it and am so very thankful. Mom said it's my birthday, Christmas, anniversary, Ground Hog Day, etc. etc. gift and that's fine with me. Thank you, Mom!

Here's the old dishwasher.

Me showing it off! A guy even came and installed it! Yahoo!

Looks so very nice!

Sweet Pea, whose job it is to load & unload our new friend, says she doesn't even mind doing this chore anymore. Even declared, "I love it, Mom!" Now how's THAT for a great gift?

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