Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Treasure Hunt!

It's time for our Back-to-School Treasure Hunt pictures! This year was a bit different as Sweet Pea was away & Daddy wasn't going to be there for our official first day. We had our treasure hunt on Sunday night so Daddy could be with us and then had our first day of school the next day. Then later on in the week we had our official first day for the whole family. Confused? So was I a bit. Lol! It all turned out okay even if it was a bit mixed up. The kids were super excited as always. Dave made their clues and I had the backpacks all packed up with their supplies &  a few fun surprises. We were set to go!

It is tradition that the youngest goes first. Bugs was the first to go. Here he is getting his first clue from Daddy.

He dived under the couch to find his next clue.
This was cute. He knew it was the sink but for some reason looked everywhere on it but the faucet. It took him a good minute or two before he noticed the clue. Lol!

Found it!The next clue sent him running outside.

Handing it for Daddy to read
He found his treasure!
Now for the best part! Opening it up!
He has lots of things to keep him entertained during school time.

Next is Elvis' turn!
First to the pantry!
And then to Daddy's shed.
This year he was able to read his own clues making it even more of an adventure.
A chilly treasure is found in the chest freezer. =0)
A very happy boy.
(P.S. He has outgrown Diego but likes his backpack b/c it is large. Plus he doesn't care too much what's on the pack as he's not into whatever is the latest fad. He just likes that it holds his stuff. I love that!)
Unpacking his new school things.

Looking through his new pencil box.
Boo's turn!
Her hunt began in the bathroom. Daddy is so silly! Lol!
Next to shed #2

There it is!
Elvis shows us all his new school things.
Bugs is very happy with his Transformer ring.

This was a fun surprise for Boo.
A closer look at Elvis' treasures.
A Hunt for Shared Treasure
This year we added something new. A bin of treasures for all of them to share. I wanted to take out some of the things we had put away & forgotten about. Plus I wanted to add some new things I bought for this year. Doing the workboxes I hope to have more opportunities to use these.
Finding the clues for the shared treasure.
The excitement grows & off they run!
Shared Treasure
Lots of new games thanks to yard sales! Also flashcards, bingo, movies, books & pool rings. Yay!
A closer look.
Up close look at the new-to-us games.
Boo poses with her little sister & her new treasures.

An up close look at Boo's treasures.
As you can see she is a big fan of Hannah Montana.
Elvis is also very happy with his new Transformer ring.
(I was thrilled to find them for 50 cents on clearance at the Party Store.)
These devotions I bought back at Christmas but have yet to be used. Frankly I think we forgot about them once they were shelved. But now they are back and ready to be read!

The kids insisted on doing their traditional walk to school. It kind of cracked me up since it was evening & we weren't starting school until the next morning. But it also touched my heart as I realized how much our kids enjoy our simple traditions.
Sky, the cat, followed them. Too cute!
Here they come marching home.
Our traditional annual picture on the front steps.
I didn't place any of their curriculum in their backpacks this year. There simply wasn't any room! I might take pics of it later in case anyone is curious.
The kids were very happy with all their new school treasures. I love having these fun traditions.

1 comment:

Alison said...

as always..LOVE it!!!